本文章产生于于大二上学期,2019年11月左右,为“学术研究英语”课程要求撰写,同时包括Oral Presentaton和 Poster展示。
Chenghao Li, Yanqi Pan, Yunqing He
Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen
With the development of the hardware and software of cloud computing, the evolution of the cloud has come to a new stage. Cloud makes it easier, cheaper, safer to store, transmit and process data. In recent years, technology keeps expanding to edge computing, fog computing and further. It is obvious that as time passes by, the occupation of the cloud devices compared with the local ones will keep increasing until the whole data becomes All-in-Cloud. However, rapid growth of the cloud comes with new problems concerning data privacy and security. This paper tries to focus on the development history of the cloud computing, discuss three cloud periods: cloud period, edge period and All-in-Cloud period. We analyze the challenges of data privacy and security in each period, and propose possible challenges and future expectations of All- in-Cloud. Finally, for better understanding, we apply our theory into some real cases to show concrete problems when they are facing All-in-Cloud situation.
Index Terms: Edge computing, Cloud computing, All-in-Cloud, data privacy and security, survey.
Cloud computing(CC): Cloud computing mainly deals with the problem of storing, computing, managing data online.[1] Usually, cloud computing is based on huge number of machines built together with powerful performance to provide data service to users.
Edge computing (EC): Edge Computing, which was mainly proposed to improve the Cloud Computing services in the era of IoT, is a complementation of Cloud Computing. And we define it as a series of technologies that allow data transmission, storing and processing happens at the distributed edge nodes as proximity to the end devices, end users and some sensors as possible. [2].
All-in-Cloud (AiC): All-in-Cloud describes the future of the cloud and the world. With the development of the cloud, more and more data become cloud data. The IT industry is moving their infrastructure into the cloud in recent years[3]. Finally, it’s obvious that the data will all be stored in the cloud which is called All-in-Cloud. Basically, it will take long to fully achieve AiC, but some industries and companies stepped forward and has achieved this recently[4], so All-in-Cloud is no longer an untouchable technology.
Cloud period: Cloud period describes the period when the cloud computing is mostly done in big data centers and provide with high performance computing to the users. In earlier days back to 1980s or earlier, the cloud technology was not widely used, so this paper doesn’t include this period.
Edge period: Edge period describes the period when a large amount of cloud computing resource is applied to small devices covering much wider area compared to cloud period. In edge period, edge computing is in charge of the edge of the cloud computing, where cloud computing is mostly done in small cloud, with relatively low performance but way more devices to do computing.
All-in-Cloud period: In All-in-Cloud period, all the data is stored, processed, computed in the cloud, and the cloud will cover all industries, making the world completely enter the world of Internet. All-in-Cloud period can be regarded as the final extension of the cloud period and edge period, but strictly speaking, this is impossible to achieve completely.
But, if we’ve achieved most of these, we can assume that we are already in this period.
Recently, the edge computing greatly expands the coverage of the cloud computing, which makes it available to provide detail device with explosive increase of the number of connected devices and edge nodes. It minimizes processing latency and the pressure of the cloud to provide stable cloud computing for the users. With the development of the advanced technology like 5G and IoE, the cloud is able to step forward to start its own revolution. 5G enables fast transmission of the cloud, enabling the cloud to cover larger area. Moreover, AiC can contribute to helping build the infrastructure of IoE (Internet of Everything), providing connected network and data platform for IoE.
AiC is never just a dream. Large cloud related companies have already made “AiC choice” and move their data to secure cloud platform. AWS declares that companies like Mike Chapple, Notre Dame have moved their all or most data on AWS[5]. For these companies, the cloud provides with much lower price, more stable service, more secure management.
While AiC is a great solution for companies, it’s also a great approach for personal users to store their data. ICloud provides AiC service for personal users, as Apple has put all the photos, files and other data in the data from users’ devices produced by Apple[6]. ICloud has made all the devices connected together, sharing data and creating new ideas, which helps build the data chain of the business, entertainment, creation.
In section 1, this paper explains the basic context in this paper, and talks about the background of the development of the cloud, and then shows the whole structure of the paper. In section 2, using the time dimension, we firstly give the give the development of the cloud, discussing the basic concepts of each period. And then we give the future expectations of AiC. At last, we propose the challenges of AiC. In section 3, we focus on some detailed cases to make the concepts of AiC clearer. In section 4, we will compare this paper with other related work and point out the contribution of the paper. Section 5 and 6 are the conclusion and reference parts.